Happy October :)
I've been thinking about how much I compromise my style for my cats' sakes. Windowsills are left clear for their lounging pleasure. Their treehouse gets the prime spot in front of the window in my office. An ugly (but comfy) kitty bed mars the look of the upstairs hallway, but it stays because they like it there. Toys and candy wrappers (Wraith loves them) litter the floor. The prime "under the stairs" space has been turned over to litter boxes rather than used for anything more interesting (is anyone else thinking "cupboard"?) And there is far more hair around the house than I would ever want (no matter how often I clean, it finds a way to live--much like a sentient robot in the face of human opposition). But despite all that, I don't mind. Pets are good for the soul, if not the decor.
(Photo from the old house. Isn't it horrible? But aren't they adorable?)
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