Hard to believe it's already time for another Mormon Muffins post. Is it just me or do the days just fly by at this time of the year? One minute it's Labour Day, the next you're toasting the new year. Maybe that's part of why I like baking so much--it forces you to slow down and enjoy the moment.
Helping you enjoy this month's moment is Sallee, 34, and mother of three, and her CTR Chocolate Chip muffins. (Click photos to enlarge.)
Liquids (egg, milk, oil):
The dough is coming together:
Never too much chocolate!
Ready to go into the oven:
Ready to eat...
Sallee's CTR Chocolate Chip
[My notes/changes in brackets]
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups [all purpose] flour
1/2 cup [granulated] sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup [semisweet] chocolate chips
Beat egg and stir in milk and oil. Mix in remaining ingredients just until flour is moistened [I added the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt; mixed until it reached the consistency in photo #4; then stirred in the chocolate chips). Batter should be lumpy.
Fill greased muffin cups 2/3 full. Bake 20-25 minutes [in my case, 18-19 minutes would have worked] at 400F [200C] or until golden brown.
Makes 12.
My Verdict Chocolate chip muffins are one of my favourites and these rank up there. They were a touch dry but that could have been due to slight over-baking. If it's a concern you could always add a little more oil. The only things I might change would be to sprinkle coarse sugar on top (in imitation of Tim's addictive CC Muffins) or to switch the chips with chunks.
Want more Hot Mormon Muffins (and really, who doesn't)? Check out my previous posts:
January: Easy Banana-Praline Muffins
February: Raspberry Muffins
March: Marmalade Muffins
April: Cinnamon-Nut Streusel Muffins
May: Zesty Zucchini Muffins
June: Seven Grains Muffins
July: Blueberry Muffins
August: Lemon Muffins
September: Gluten-Free Meringue Muffins
October: Pumpkin Muffins
Photos by Whimsy Bower
[Edited to update title, links, and for formatting. Follow me on my official site: AspasiaSBissas.com]
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