Ah, January--garden catalogue month. I both enjoy and dread going through the catalogues. Enjoy for obvious reasons, dread because I always go overboard. I'd buy enough seeds and plants for ten gardens if I could (now there's an idea...)
Putting my wishlist together as spring s-l-o-w-l-y approaches, I thought I'd share some of the goodies that are tempting me at the moment. I know I'll eventually have to seriously edit this list, but for now I'll just pretend I've got all ten of those gardens...
Angelonia, Serena
Asclepias, Silky Formula
Aster, Powderpuff Bouquet
Bachelor Buttons, Double Ball Mix
Bells of Ireland (Molucella laevis)
Brachycome, Swan River
Calendula, Apricot Twist
Calendula, Indian Prince
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
California Poppy, Copper Pot
California Poppy, Double Apricot Chiffon
California Poppy, Jelly Beans
California Poppy, Mission Bells
California Poppy, Rosa Romantica
Calla, Regal Purple
Carnation, Picotee Fantasy
Celosia, Romantica
Cosmos, Carpet Formula
Cosmos, Rubenza
Cosmos, Snow Puff
Dahlia, Bristol Stripe
Dahlia, Hy Pimento
Dahlia, Karma Choc
Dahlia, Thomas Edison
Candytuft, Fairy
Datura, Ballerina Purple
Dianthus, Double French Frills
Dianthus, Fandango Purple Picotee
Eustoma, Twinkle
Felicia, The Blues
Five Spot (Nemophila maculata)
Flax, Bright Eyes
Flowering Cabbage, Pink Crane
Flowering Cabbage, Rose Crane
Flowering Kale, Osaka
Four o' Clocks, Broken Colours
Gourd, Goblin Eggs
Linum, Charmer Mixture
Lobelia, Riviera Blue Splash
Marigold, Bonanza Flame
Marigold, Safari
Marigold, Vanilla
Mignonette, Sweet Scented
Morning Glory, Blue Picotee
Morning Glory, Carnivale di Venezia
Morning Glory, Dacapo Light Blue
Nasturtium, Dwarf Jewel
Nasturtium, Ladybird Cream Purple Spot
Nasturtium, Out of Africa
Nemesia, Carnival
Nemophila, Penny Black
Nicotiana, Perfume
Nicotiana, Saratoga
Nicotiana, Sensation
Nigella, African Bride
Ornamental Kale, Crane Series Rose
Ornamental Kale, Sunrise Flowering
Pansy, Nature Hybrid
Pansy, Nature 'Mulberry Shades'
Pansy, Frizzle Swizzle Yellow-Blue Swirl
Poppy, Ballerina
Poppy, Double Shirley
Poppy, Falling in Love
Poppy, Flanders Field
Poppy, Mother of Pearl
Poppy, Peony Mixed
Portulaca, Margarita Peppermint
Rudbeckia, Cherry Brandy
Snapdragon, Light Pink Butterfly
Sunflower, Claret
Sunflower, Dorado
Sunflower, Earthwalker
Sunflower, Fantasia
Sunflower, Moulin Rouge
Sunflower, Summertime
Sunflower, Velvet Queen
Sweet Pea, Bijou
Sweet Pea, Cupani
Sweet Pea, Incense
Sweet Pea, Lemon and Lime
Sweet Pea, Melody
Sweet Pea, Pot Perfume
Sweet Pea, Red Rover
Sweet Pea, Species Mixed
Sweet Pea, Streamers
Toloache, Evening Fragrance
Viola, Erlyn Lemon/Blue Wing
Zinnia, Candy Cane
Zinnia, Envy
Zinnia, Giants of California
Zinnia, Queen Red-Lime
Zinnia, sun series Sunshine
Zinnia, Thumbelina
Zinnia, Uproar Rose
FLOWERS, Perennial & Biennial
Asclepias/Butterfly Milkweed
Asiatic Lily, Olina Tango
Aster, Purple Dome
Astilbe, Color Splash
Astilbe, Grande
Bellflower, La Belle
Bergenia, Red Beauty
Blue Wild Indigo
Campanula/Canterbury Bells
Cerastium, Snow-in-Summer
Columbine, Lime Sorbet
Columbine, Miss MI Huish
Columbine, Origami Blue and White
Columbine, Winky Double Blue and White
Coneflower, Purple
Daylily, Lavender Blue Eyes
Delphinium, Starlight
Foxglove, Camelot
Foxglove, Candy Mountain
Foxglove, Excelsior
Gaillardia, Arizona Red Shades
Globe Flower, Alabaster
Heuchera, Melting Fire
Hollyhocks, Fiesta Time
Iceland Poppy, Flamenco
Jacob's Ladder
Laceflower, Graceland
Leopard Lily
Monarda, Panorama
Malva, Zebrina
Oriental Poppy, Checkers
Oriental Poppy, Coral Reef
Peony, Victoire de la Marne
Phlox, Aureole
Phlox, Tiara
Poppy, Garden Gnome
Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy
Rose, Konigin Von Danemark
Rose, La Reine Victoria
Rose, Mme. Hardy
Rose, Rose de Rescht
Rose, Salet
Rudbeckia, Cherry Brandy
Russian Sage, Little Spire
Sage, Violet
Species Lily, Black Beauty
Sweet William, Giant Single
Sweet William, Messenger
Tiger Lily, Iowa Rose
Visnaga, Casablanca
Basil, Blue Spice
Basil, Lesbos
Basil, Oriental Breeze
Basil, Purple Bush
Basil, Rosie
Basil, Sweet Dani Lemon
Basil, Sweet Salad
Calendula (Calendula officinalis)
Chives, Nelly
Cilantro, Santo
Fennel, Bronze 'Smokey'
Geranium, Joy Lucille
La Lot
Lavender, Blue Rider
Lavender, Provence Blue
Lavender, Super
Licorice, Miniature Silver
Mint, Fruitasia
Oregano, Decorative
Parsley, Afrodite
Pink, Sweet
Savory, Lemon
Savory, Summer 'Midget'
Stevia, Crazy Sweet
Thyme, Magic Carpet Lemon
Wintergreen, Very Berry
Angel Hair
Bunny's Tails
Amur Maple 'Superior Red'
Cherry, Romeo (sour)
Elderberry, Giant Pie
Purple Teepee, Rocquencourt, Royal Burgundy, Senegalese Purple-Speckled Cowpea, Fort Portal Jade Bean
Beets: Cylindra,
Blueberry: Patio, Northern Bilberry
Carrots: Nantes Coreless, Rainbow Blend, Atomic Red, Cosmic Purple, Sweetness, Rainbow Hybrid, Nelson
Cucumbers: Chicago Pickling, Wisconsin 'SMR-58', Mathilde, Lemon, Alibi, Cool Breeze, Diva, Iznik Hybrid, Salad Bush Hybrid
Garlic: Inchelium Red, Lorz Italian, Belarus, Fireball, McEwen Red, Purple Glazer, Society Garlic
Greens: Italian Dandelion, Corn Salad/Lamb's Lettuce, Bright Lights Chard, Long Standing Bloomsdale Spinach, New Zealand Spinach, Red Russian Kale, Garland (Chrysanthemum coronarium), Peppergrass, Mizuna, Red Flash Orach Atriplex, Green Purslane, Profusion Sorrel, Red Giant Mustard,
Tendergreen Mustard, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Sylvetta/Wild Arugula
Leek: Bandit
Lettuce: Grand Rapids, Royal Red, Salad Bowl, Buttercrunch, Baby Leaf Blend, Baby Star (Mini Romaine), Esmerelda, Yugoslavian Red Butterhead, Pearl, Rushmore, Sangria, Dixter, Ice Queen, Black Seeded Simpson
Misc: Goji Berry, Fig 'Hardy Chicago', Rampion, Japanese Eggplant
Okra: Red Burgundy
Onions: Spanish, Walla Walla, Southport White Globe, Red Baron Bunching, Yellow Sweet Spanish, Gourmet Shallots, Yellow Dutch, Borrettana
Peas: Homesteader, Little Marvel, Green Arrow (love the name)
Peppers: Sweet Pimento, Jalapeno, Medusa, Pepper Pot Little Blue, Fooled You, Holy Mole, Gypsy, MiniApple, Black Pearl, Thai Chile, Bull's Horn of Carmagnola
Potatoes: Purple Caribe, Kennebec Seed Potato Planter (Going to have to get at least two of these!)
Radishes: Cherry Belle, French Breakfast, Red Meat, Purple Plum, China White, Round Black Spanish, Fire Candle, Ostergruss Rosa, Blauer Herbst, Easter Egg, Sora
Raspberry: Purple Royalty
Rhubarb: Strawberry Red
Squash: Honey Bear (winter), Sungreen (summer), Partenon Hybrid (summer), Black Beauty (summer), Waltham Butternut (winter)
Strawberry: Temptation, Kent
Tomatoes: Cabernet, Sweetie, Ground Cherry, Cherokee Purple, Black Cherry, Balcony Charm, Black Krim, Honeybee, Sugar Plum, Sunsugar, Tumbler, Viva Italia, Alegra, Siderno, Golden Shine, Super Sweet 100
Ornamental Eggplant/Pumpkin on a Stick
Mouse Melon
You know, I think I could actually manage to include all these plants in my garden if I make use of the front and the back yards. Now I just need to convince the SO to dig up the lawn...
Photos from top to bottom: Rainbow Blend Carrots, DaCapo Light Blue Morning Glory, Bells of Ireland, Black Star Calla, Five Spot, Sunrise Ornamental Flowering Kale, Double Shirley Poppy, Riviera Blue Splash Lobelia, Species Sweet Pea, Sunshine Zinnia, Margarita Peppermint Portulaca, Azalea Flowered Godetia, Starlight Delphinium, Olina Tango Asiatic Lily, Candy Mountain Foxglove, Double Winky Blue and White Columbine, Lime Sorbet Columbine, Konigin Von Danemark Rose, Victoire de la Marne Peony, Purple Bush Basil, Mauritian Mallow, Chameleon Fish Mint, Prince of Orange Geranium, Super Lavender, Herrenhausen Oregano, Magic Carpet Lemon Thyme, Bunny's Tails Ornamental Grass, Albino Beet, Rainbow Swiss Chard, Goji Berry, Red Baron Bunching Onion, Red Meat Radish, and Golden Shine Tomato.
[Edited to delete dead links, and for formatting. Follow me on my official site: AspasiaSBissas.com]
Love the rainbow carrots and chard photos! My SO would gladly dig up the lawn, but there's no way I could keep up with that amount of gardening. Be careful what you wish!
I'm sure it would be no more of a commitment than a full-time job ;)
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